ICCROM Register of Heritage Samples Archives
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SUPSI Immovable Heritage Samples Collection

Type Collection

Date of creation of the archive


Date of closure of the archive


Creator(s) of the archive

SUPSI researchers

Summary Description

The SUPSI sample collection consists of about 600 material samples (wall paintings, mortar, plaster, stucco and stone) collected from immovable heritage sites in Switzerland and from other countries covering historical periods from about 300 BC to 1990 AD. The samples have been collected by SUPSI researchers during several research projects and professional assignments. Sampling is still on going and new samples are added to the collection every year. The samples are used for research and educational purposes in SUPSI conservation courses. The catalogue of the SUPSI samples collection is currently being reorganised and will be available online by the end of the year.


Type and number of units

Object type

Mural painting

Material type

Building related material
Ceramic, glass, enamel

Geographic Distribution

Czech Republic, France, Italy, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Statement of Significance

Over the years, the Conservation and Restoration unit at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) has collected hundreds of samples including mortars, stone, stucco, wall paintings and other kind of polychrome from different heritage sites in Switzerland and abroad spanning centuries and many historical periods. 

Most samples are well documented with information regarding location, sample description and results of the analysis performed. Therefore, the collection potentially has great value for scientific, historical, artistic and educational research.


Yes - upon request

Access requirements

The SUPSI samples catalogue will be available online. To grant access to the physical samples, researchers need to contact the samples manager in advance and discuss potential research. Criteria applied are: the scientific interest of the research proposal.

Type of users

Researchers engaged in cultural heritage conservation


Non-destructive technique

Finding aids

Catalogue to be available online